Why Turbans Are The Perfect Holiday Gift

Why Turbans Are The Perfect Holiday Gift

Colorful & Hand-Made Turbans

Why They Are The Perfect Holiday Gift

As the autumn days are slowly coming to end, the pumpkin spice is already in each and every warm beverage and the leaves have fallen, we all know what`s coming next- The Holiday Season. Before you even notice, the first snow will fall, the lovely Christmas decorations will be up, and winter will be here. Not only we are all surely happy about the snow and the calm feeling that comes with it, but also the holiday season is when the entire family comes together to celebrate the gift of being alive, happy, and being together-right here right now.

There is no better way to say “thank you” than the act of giving a gift. A well-thought gift rather than expensive one holds such meaning and importance beyond money can buy. Giving gifts as much as receiving one gives us that warm fuzzy feeling. It is all about making other people happy especially the ones that mean the world to us. Not only when it is holiday season but also the small gesture of giving something once in a while with no special occasion can surely make somebody`s day perfect.


Today, as we mentioned, with the holiday season approaching, we will give you a truly one-of-a-kind gifting idea- purchasing a Turban for a loved one from your family or close friends.


You are wondering why? Why Turban?

Although turbans are considered as a religious and traditional headwear piece, in the past few years we can notice their dramatic rise in the fashionista world too.

For more than 25 million people around the world that are in the Sikhism religion, wearing a turban is an everyday thing and a sign of deep faith and equality among every class of the society. Men and so does women constantly wear a turban in order to hide their hair too because according to the Sikhism religion, they are not supposed to show it nor cut it. So, as we can see, the turban is a core piece of their identity. Do you have a friend in this religion, if so, why not consider purchasing him/her a turban? It is probably the best way to show not only gratitude for having him/her in your life but also to show respect towards another different religion.


Giving someone a turban can not only be hence of religious reasons but also hence of fashionable ones. Nowadays we can see more and more women incorporating the turban hat into their everyday looks. Turbans have a simple design and one can be worn “as it is”. They are created in such a way that they can be simply placed on your head with no fastening nor complicated closing. Just put it on your head, and you are good to go. Additionally, recently we can see turbans with stunning designs, breathtaking patterns, captivating prints, incredible designs, and a number of various materials such as satin, cotton, and velvety materials which makes them suitable for both day and night time occasions. Simplicity together with comfort and fashion.

Last but not least, unfortunately, we are all well aware of the loss of hair after a chemo treatment. As if fighting for life and surviving is not enough on top of everything, cancer patients have to cope with the loss of their hair too. Sometimes cutting our hair can have a huge effect on women`s self-esteem and confidence and imagine losing all of it?  If you know a woman that sadly has to go through all this then you can purchase her a chemo headwear that will cover her head leaving her not much different than the rest of the world. Instead, she will feel beautiful and like herself wearing this simple yet stunning accessory.

Giving a turban surely is a creative and one-of-a-kind gift and if you don`t know where to start, make sure you drop by our store where we are offering a variety of day and night time suitable turbans, all of them are high-quality, fashionable, and hand-made.

Whatever the reasons are, remember that a gift chosen and given with love can go a long way in showing people around you how loved and valued they indeed are.